
Showing posts from August, 2022

8/29/22 Poem

Today we read over a poem of Emily Dickson about how she felt a funeral in her head and there was another poem at the bottom of that one and that one was about how she felt she was a nobody but she was different.


 Based on the video I still think there’s no life outside of earth it’s just what I think. The picture of earth to mars you can tell that it’s a far distance, my reaction from hearing the sound of a black hole coming from the universe was crazy because people say there’s no sound in the universe and we just saw a clip that showed sound. But I find it interesting because they finding a lot of new things out.


 Today we turned in our finished 12 sentence origin myth, and we started off with our film response and had to come up with 10 words of what people make hsrd that could be easy after that we read the poem and broke it down and then we answer 8 questions about the poem.


 Today we didn’t really do much but finish our origin myth with 12 paragraphs we also watch our short film and Mr rease showed us his origin myth and explain how it should be.


 Today we started off with our film response and end off on our creative writing we was assign to create our own origin myth with at least 12 sentences before we create the origin myth we had to complete the oral conferencing sheet the we start on our origin myth

Creative writing

 Today we built a character and built a 12 sentence story, here is my story .  


 Today we started off with our bell ringer which is a film response and it was on Identify, we also learned about origin myth we define the differences between Myth, Legend, and religion and talked about the Native American and how they have they own land in different areas.


Today we started off with our short film of how social media can take over your life and what people do in your personal life sometime don’t be true on the social media and that we shouldn’t let social media take control of our life today we also did a pre-test with nine questions that we had to take serious.


 Today we learned about fugitive language, we started off with bell work on a short film about a veteran who loses life it showed all his memories and everything, we wrote down the different things on language and how they can be used .

Shakur Legree

 I was absent from class today, I had testing.


 My name Shakur, I go to Cedar Grove High school, I’m 17 years old I'm originally from Lake Placid, Fl, I like to ride dirt bikes for fun and three goals I want to achieve this academic year is Learning more then I did last year, taking my classes serious, and do better then last year.